Outstanding Teacher Award – Dr Natalie Fong
History Teacher Receives Recognition
We congratulate Dr Natalie Fong, Secondary Head of Humanities, on her Outstanding Teacher Award from the Queensland History Teachers’ Association.
The award acknowledges her passion for teaching History and the inspiring, supportive way she shares her deep knowledge with students.
“I aim to always relate what we are learning [in class] to current or recent events,” says Dr Fong. “This demonstrates to students that studying History is not so much about the past, as about understanding what has shaped our society today and the historical context for current events.”
“History also helps us to develop sympathy and empathy with others and to consider how we might contribute to making society and the lives of others better.”
Dr Fong oversees Humanities in Secondary, including our Honours program, and the international Humanities Research Symposium for Youth (HRSY), held in Korea this year.
She says that through the study of Humanities, students can develop an understanding of their God-given purpose in life. They can also see God’s plan for salvation through past, present, and future events, people and their actions.
Sharing knowledge with our community and beyond
The peer-nominated award also celebrates Dr Fong’s contribution to the wider History community.
“I am an active member of teacher Facebook groups where we share lesson ideas, strategies and resources,” she said. “I also set up a Facebook group for Humanities Heads of Department to discuss leadership, team-building, curriculum and pedagogy.”
Dr Fong also shares her knowledge by presenting papers and workshops at conferences, writing book chapters and articles for journals, recording podcast interviews, and writing blog posts. She has also appeared on TV and radio and worked in the film industry as a historical consultant.
Principal Mrs Ruth Gravestein says Dr Fong epitomises the College character values of Faith, Integrity, Respect and Excellence.
“Dr Fong is a fine example of our Christian teachers who deliver an engaging and rigorous academic program here at Citipointe. We congratulate her on this well-deserved honour.”
About Dr Natalie Fong
- Dr Natalie Fong was awarded the 2021 Griffith University Chancellor’s Medal for Excellence in the PhD Thesis for Arts, Education and Law.
- Her PhD was titled Chinese Merchants in the Northern Territory, 1880-1950: A translocal case study. Her thesis included studying her ancestors.
- Dr Fong has a Master of Arts in Victorian Studies and two Bachelor’s degrees. She holds one in Journalism, one in Arts in Literature and History, and has a Graduate Diploma in Education.
- Dr Fong has studied at the University of Queensland, Griffith University, and Birkbeck College, University of London.
Learn more about Dr Natalie Fong’s work here:
- Follow her academic career .
- See the new book published in July 2024 by the University of Hawai’i Press, , to which she contributed a chapter.
- Read her , A Treasure Trove for Chinese-Australian History.
Date posted: August 1, 2024